The Best of the Orchard
Our fruit is harvested in the ideal point of maturation, the peel, the pit or the seeds are removed, the fruit is slightly dissolved and rapidly frozen.
The result are the fruit pulps from Brasfrut – fruit with no addition of sugar, colourings and preservatives, preserving all properties in the fruit, with the taste, flavour, aroma and colour of the Brazilian fruits.
It is advised the consumption of fresh, ripe fruit and recently harvested. However, when the food comes from places very distant from the point of sale, the ideal is to proceed to their freezing.
The fresh fruit is healthy if we consume them in the right maturation and shortly after their harvest, preserving thus 100% of their properties.
When it comes to fresh fruit, the harvest is done before the fruit is totally mature in order to avoid damage during transportation to the points of sale and increase the conservation time of the fruit. This way, the fruits do not reach their maximum nutritional level and continue to lose nutrients during the time in store, i.e., until the moment they will be consumed.
There are studies that prove that frozen products have the same properties than fresh ones, since the freezing is a protective barrier.
Brasfrut is equipped with an automated modern industry that meets the patterns of quality and good practice, with a freezing process subjected to a rigorous quality control, that includes the selection of fruit with the ideal maturation, preparation and packaging that guarantee the preservation of the nutritional properties of the fruit.
With no breaks in the freezing chain, there are no considerable nutritional differences between fresh fruit and frozen fruit.
Healthy Lifestyle
The adequate intake of fruit and vegetables, as indicated by the Mediterranean Diet Pyramid, reduces the risk of some diseases such as cardiovascular diseases, cancer, obesity and diabetes.
The Mediterranean Diet Pyramid recommends the daily intake of 3 to 5 portions of fruit.
– 1 Portion of fruit corresponds to an average piece of fruit (160g).
Eating fruit, and choosing a healthy lifestyle, guarantees that our body gets regulating nutrients such as vitamins, minerals, food fibres and also phenolic components that, even though they are not nutrients, are essential substances for our health.
The phenolic components are a group of non-enzymatic antioxidants that fight free radicals that can have several activities in the organism.
Eating food rich in antioxidants promotes benefits for our health and wellbeing:
- reduces the aging of the cells
- improves the health and appearance of the skin
- reduces the risk of cancer
- helps detox the organism
- increases longevity
The WHO recommends the daily intake of 400g of fruit, vegetables and legumes, integrated in a diet poor in sugar, salt and fat, in order to improve the health condition and prevent the risk of diseases.
The fruit can be included in daily eating, at lunch and/or dinner (from entry to the dessert), or in interval meals:
- Mix fruit in salads or include in the entry.
- When it’s time for dessert, opt for fruit.
- Prefer fruit between meals, or in moments (for example, at the movies or football games) associated with the ingestion of non-healthy food (for example, popcorn, potato chips, and sausages).
- Vary your intake, opting for fruit of different colors throughout the day to maximize their benefits.
The intake of natural fruit juices and fruit milkshakes should be done immediately after their preparation, in order to reduce the loss of nutritional properties.
WHO has already alerted towards the risks of excessive sugar intake. The recommendations indicate that the intake of simple sugars added to our diet should be below the 10% of the energy burnt daily. Preferably, it should be around 5%.
The total daily sugar added to food (croissants, juices, desserts, breakfast cereals, etc.) should not be over 6 teaspoons of sugar.
Comparatively, a traditional soft drink can may contain 10 teaspoons of sugar.